Booking the tour / registration:
When you decide on the tour you would like to take you will need to either create or join a tour.
Tours can be created anytime, so long as it’s at least 21 days prior to the date the tour will take place.
To secure your spot, a deposit is required, which is the minimum amount of participation (price per person for 6 participants). The respective amount can be found in the table of prices for each tour but will also appear on your screen, once you’ve completed all the information required regarding your tour.
Before you proceed with the deposit payment, you will need to register. We don’t ask you to create a user account, passwords or anything like that. You just need to enter your email address; we will automatically send you an email with a link to follow and voila! – You are a registered user!
**We only collect personal information that is pertinent to tour operations. We do NOT share your personal information with 3rd party companies or use it for advertisement, unless we have your express consent.
As a registered user, you will get email updates whenever there is a change in your tour (people join or cancel, the cruise date to port changes for any reason so there is a need to re-schedule, etc), but you will also be able to see live information about your tour, every time you visit our page.
Once you register, when you visit our page there will be a MY TOUR button on the menu, where you will see all the current information about your tour:
How many people have joined
What (if any) your balance payment is
How to cancel the tour if you need to
A link to balance payment after the tours closure date
Payment/cancellation policy:
The minimum participation for each tour (price per person for 6 participants) is required as a deposit to join a tour (new or existing).
If a tour reaches the maximum participation (6), it automatically “closes”. No balance payment required (the deposit is the final price at that point) and all participants receive confirmation & voucher for their tour. **
Tours that haven’t reached maximum participation “close” automatically 20 days prior to the tour date. Participants are then notified of the remaining cost (depending on the number of participants) and have one week to complete payment in order to receive their final confirmation.
After the tour closes (participant completion or 20 days prior) deposit is non-refundable. If a balance payment is made after tour closes it is also non-refundable after that point.
Before the tour closes participants can cancel and are entitled to full refund of their deposit minus Paypal expenses.
For open tours, participants will be notified 1 week & 1 day before closure date on the status of the tour. They will also get an email notification any time there is an update on their tour (someone joins, someone cancels, etc). They can also visit the page and keep track of changes of their tour online in real time (see process above).